

10UL universalis Pipette Tips

Short description:

Product Features

I. Multiple cubits, ut filter tips / universae tips, humilis-retention tips, radialis sterilis tips, non-sterilis tips praesto sunt.

II. Et facultatem range of Generalis Tips est 0.5 ~ 1000; Dum filter tips est 0.5 ~ 1000.

III. Duo stipare optiones mole et cohibenti stipare sunt available.

IV. Apta multa Pipette brands, ut eppendorf, Gilson, etc.

V. Smooth interiorem murum humilis liquida residuum.

Product Detail

Product Tags


PROMPTU Micro-volumine tips fiunt ex transparent altus-molat materiales Polypropylene (Pp), non-tendentes, et usus est precise Micro-volumine pipetting cum micropipette.


10UL universalis Pipette Tips

Cattus nulla.

Product Description

Stipare cubits

Cuts1010nn 10UL, sine filter, mole, patet, unsterilized

M PCs / PackX Pack / Case

Cufs1010nn 10UL, filter, mole, patet, unsterilized
Cutb101010101010nf 10UL, sine filter, cohibenti, patet, sterilis

XCVI PCs / BoxX Box / SetV Set / Case

Cufb101010nf 10ul, filter, cohibenti, patet, sterilis
Cuts1010nn l 10UL, sine filter, mole, patet, humilis retention, unsterilized

M PCs / PackX Pack / Case

Cufs1010nn, l 10ul, filter, mole, patet, humilis retention, unsterilized
Cutb101010101010101010101010nf 10ul sine filter, cohibenti, patet, humilis retention, sterilis

XCVI PCs / BoxX Box / SetV Set / Case

Cufb101010nf l 10ul, filter, cohibenti, humilis retention, patet, sterilis


10uL Clear General Pipette Tips, with or without Filter, sterilized/unsterilized, low retention, PP material, suitable for Eppendorf and Gilson pipettes, 96 pcs/box and 10 box/set and 5 set/case boxed packing, 1000 pcs/pack and 10 pack/case bulk packing.

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